Dr Louise Warwick-Booth, Reader

Dr Louise Warwick-Booth


Louise is a sociologist with specific interests in health policy and social policy. She is a Reader located in The Centre for Health Promotion Research, which she has co-directed since 2013. Louise joined the University in September 2005 and has taught on a wide range of modules including sociology, health policy, research, community and global policy and health care. She also manages a range of research projects and a team of research staff.

Louise’s research projects are diverse and include a commissioned evaluation of the Way Forward Programme, a project to develop resilience in vulnerable young women with unmet need, the evaluation of a Department of Health Eatwell and Livewell Project to tackle malnutrition amongst the elderly, and the project management of the Sunderland Health Champion Programme.

Current Teaching

  • MSc Health Promotion: Policies for health in the 21st Century, Foundations in Public Health, Communities and Community Health and dissertation co-ordination
  • Bsc Health Care Studies/Bsc Health and Social Care: Management of the Research Process
  • Bsc Public Health Nutrition - Food, Health and Society

Research Interests

Louise has recently conducted a range of research with vulnerable young women, drawing upon feminist participatory approaches to data collection in order to give young women voice. Her research has been used in practice to improve interventions during their delivery and in securing future funding for further work in this area. Her other evaluation research is used in practice similarly to further develop interventions, and to capture the voice of service users.

Louise has published several text-books such as Social Inequality (2013), and Contemporary Health Studies: An Introduction (2012 with colleagues). Louise is also the author of the book Researching with Communities (2009) based upon her PhD, as well as numerous journal articles.

Dr Louise Warwick-Booth, Reader

Ask Me About

  1. Health
  2. Health promotion
  3. Sociology