Access and Participation Scrutiny Committee

Information about our university's Access and Participation Scrutiny Committee, including Terms of Reference, membership, meetings and minutes

The Access and Participation Scrutiny Committee monitors our university’s progress against its Access and Participation Plan targets, reviewing evaluation and referring areas of persistent underperformance to Academic Board and/or the University Executive Team for remedial action.

The Committee’s main responsibilities are to:

  • Develop and monitor our university’s Access and Participation Plans
  • Lead on institutional engagement, consultation and communication related to the development, and review of our university’s access and participation plans
  • Monitor progress against the targets included in the APP for each phase of the student journey; identifying new and reviewing existing issues to inform the development of activities and targets to address those issues
  • Develop and maintain an evaluation framework for the projects in the APP, ensuring that monitoring is fit for purpose, appropriate and proportionate to the activity being evaluated, referring any ethical approval or concerns to the ethics committee
  • Maintain an institutional APP risk register and action plan to manage risk and initiate recovery plans
  • Review information to applicants and students to ensure that it is compliant under the CMA, and that the interests of the students are protected

The chair of the committee is Tracey Lancaster, Deputy Vice Chancellor Resources.

The secretary is Angela Schumann:

Reports and minutes

Widening Access and Participation

More information including our Access and Participation Plan and Access Agreements Archive.

Find out more