Anne Flintoff, Emeritus Professor

Anne Flintoff

Emeritus Professor

Anne Flintoff is an emeritus Professor in the Carnegie School of Sport. Her teaching, research and consultancy centres on issues of equity and social inclusion, particularly gender and race.  She is a former graduate of the School (then named Carnegie College of Physical Education), gaining a first class honours in Physical Education, in 1980. After teaching Physical Education in school, she was awarded an ESRC studentship to complete her Masters in Physical Education at the University of Leeds. Shortly after she was appointed to our University to work with PE students, where a major part of her work focused on addressing equality issues in their teacher training. This interest led to her completing a PhD at the Open University, Milton Keynes, in the area of gender relations.She returned to our University in 1991, to continue teaching and researching in the area of equity, Physical Education and Sport. She was made Reader in 2003, and promoted to Professor in Physical Education and Sport in 2008.

She is a former graduate of the School (then named Carnegie College of Physical Education), gaining a first class honours in Physical Education, in 1980. After teaching Physical Education in school, she was awarded an ESRC studentship to complete her Masters in Physical Education at the University of Leeds. Shortly after she was appointed to our University to work with PE students, where a major part of her work focused on addressing equality issues in their teacher training. This interest led to her completing a PhD at the Open University, Milton Keynes, in the area of gender relations. She returned to our University in 1991, to continue teaching and researching in the area of equity, Physical Education and Sport. 

Current Teaching


Research Interests

Anne's current research focuses on issues of race and ethnicity, and their intersection with gender, in the experiences and practices of physical educators. She has recently completed a two year project, funded by the British Academy, and in collaboration with Professor Fiona Dowling from Oslo, which used PE as a specific subject lens to examine white teachers' perspectives on race and racism. The research created new knowledge about racialisation, embodiment and schooling. Data was generated from English and Norwegian physical educators' written self stories about race, and through their collective sharing. The research also examined 'official' ideas about race within national curricular policy.

Anne Flintoff, Emeritus Professor