Lewis Simpson, Senior Lecturer

Lewis Simpson

Senior Lecturer

Lewis is interested in thinking sociologically around a number of criminology topics, particularly around prisons management and experiences. This has led to his current research focusing on the use of prison inspection in English and Wales.

Lewis finds prisons a highly interesting area of study for several reasons. As the central location for punishment, they serve a clear purpose within contemporary life. Those inside prisons (staff and prisoners) hold experiences that are often away from the public gaze, and is interested in how treatment and care is presented to the public through independent inspection.

Lewis believes that the Inspectorate of Prisons provides an essential service in offering a form of public accountability to this important public service, and his research seeks to understand how the process of inspection can be used to support those within prisons and also on how this accountability can be communicated with political stakeholders and the public.

Lewis' current research explores the discourses seen within both prison inspection and political discussions on prisons, with a specific focus on discourses around violence, self-harm, and suicide. The aim of this study is to critically compare discursive positions and consider how similarities and differences are presented around reducing violence, self-harm, and suicide in prisons. 

Current Teaching

  • Level 4: Introduction to Criminology
  • Level 5: Punishment
  • Level 6: Exploring Imprisonment 

Research Interests

Lewis is eager to understand the challenges involved in reducing violence, self-harm, and suicide in prisons and his research is focused around how different groups communicate and present information on these issues. He is particularly interested in how these issues are considered by political and independent bodies and is enthusiastic about working with these groups in future to support and build a positive prison environment.

Lewis Simpson, Senior Lecturer

Ask Me About

  1. Government policies
  2. Justice
  3. Prison
  4. Rehabilitation
  5. Sociology
  6. Welfare