Sandwich of the Week - £2.85

  • Malted wheat baguette filled with avocado, houmous, spinach, sliced red peppers and a carrot and coriander mix (v)
  • Wholemeal baguette filled with chicken, bacon, avocado, tomato and rocket.

The sandwiches have been developed by our team of chefs, with the health benefits each ingredient offers in mind: 

Spinach: Rich in iron and folic acid

Avocado: High in potassium, a super-food with 20 different vitamins and minerals

Tomatoes: Vitamin C and a good dietary fibre

Chicken: Good source of protein

Houmous: Good source of protein, essential vitamins and minerals

Carrots: High in fibre, source of antioxidant agents, vitamin C, potassium and iron

Red peppers: Vitamin C and iron 

Tell us what you think about our special sandwich on Twitter or Instagram.