
Taught by industry experts and helped to develop a professional network network

Alumni spotlight | Patrick Greenhough, MA Film Curation and Exhibition


Black and white portrait of Patrick Greenhough

After leaving school I originally trained as a documentary filmmaker and was lucky enough to work on a number of short films, but after beginning work at an independent cinema I developed a love of film curation and programming and wanted to explore that further. My passion now lays in finding, and providing, a platform for regional, working-class filmmakers.

  • Course: MA Film Curation and Exhibition

Tell us a bit about yourself and what drew you to film

I was originally drawn to the area through a lifelong love of film, that was fostered by getting to attend a number of film festivals and beginning to see the incredible work and dedication it takes to operate a festival. The idea of getting to find and champion work I think is important, but would otherwise go under the radar, is massively exciting to me and a dream role for a film lover.

What made you choose Leeds Beckett?

Leeds is such an exciting city with a rich film history in which the Northern Film School plays such a vital role. Being part of a new, carefully developed course was really exciting and I knew it would be a great place to develop my skills as a curator.

What do you like about Leeds?

Studying in a city with a major film festival like Leeds International Film Festival and various media opportunities gives you a real opportunity to apply your learning practically. Being surrounded by such a large community of filmmakers and creatives is really inspiring.

What has been your favourite thing about your time studying at Leeds Beckett?

Having the opportunity to speak directly with industry experts has been invaluable both in teaching and in developing an industry network. Having lectures with knowledge grounded in the industry I want to work in has been incredibly helpful.

What advice would you give someone thinking about studying this course?

Make the most of having access to some of the biggest names in the industry and use your time at Leeds Beckett to take risks and develop your creative work. There’s so many opportunities to develop your skills and increase your employability that will prove so useful after graduation.

Find out more about studying film

Explore everything Leeds Beckett have to offer in furthering your career within film.

Northern Film School

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