Biotechnology and biophysics

Abstract icon for biotechnology

Our research covers a range of topics including small molecule fingerprinting, drug discovery, and assay development for detection of food fraud.

We aim to develop new technologies, methods and instruments to enhance biomedical science. We use a range of techniques including single molecule photonics, biomolecular speciation assays and modelling of drug-protein interactions.

Research projects

Principal researcher: Dr Tara Sabir

The Sabir research group work extensively on cutting edge, novel instrumentation builds which combine both single molecule techniques, photonics and software builds to include single molecule FRET (sm Forster resonance Energy Transfer), TCSPC (time correlated single photon counting) and single molecule Rayleigh and Raman spectroscopy. The purpose being to understand protein, DNA and RNA interactions as well as structure and fast dynamics of molecules.

Contact the Centre for Biomedical Science Research