Adam Bishop, Lecturer

Adam Bishop


Adam's work and interests are mainly in the field of product design, with a focus on human-centred design research and the methodologies that are involved in this. He has a particular interest in co-design and the approaches surrounding this.

Adam's teaching predominately revolves around research methods and the front end of the design process with how students can utilise these to generate insights to real world issues. He then works collaboratively with the students and the academic design team to translate these insights into physical, well-rounded product outcomes that have resulted in students winning the RSA Student Design Awards, an international design competition.

Adam is also an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA).

Current Teaching

  • P4.4 Design Process
  • P4.5 Human Centred Design Research
  • P4.6 Responsible Design
  • Working across all levels in BA (Hons) Product Design and MA 3D Design

Research Interests

Adam specialises in collaborative research with young people and community groups with an aim of empowering and giving agency. This focus integrates co-design methods with ethnographic practice in order to identify key areas for young people to thrive. His application of design thinking principles ensures the creation of inclusive and impactful solutions within Leeds and surrounding areas.

Adam's previous works includes working with a primary school to facilitate the positive use of a disused woodland situated on the school grounds. This involved various ethnographic methods and the facilitation of co-design workshops with various stakeholders including young people, community actors, parents and teaching/leadership staff.

Adam's most recent research was with the Girls Brigade, situated in Wortley, working with the young people and key community actors resulting in a co-created mini exhibition. This sparked the generation of a community action toolkit to facilitate positive change within communities with a scope to be rolled out across other community groups.

Adam Bishop, Lecturer

Ask Me About

  1. Co-design
  2. Community Action
  3. Community-led
  4. Community Participation
  5. Critical Reflection
  6. Design Ethnography
  7. Design Process
  8. Design Thinking
  9. Human Centred Design Research
  10. Leeds
  11. Research Methods
  12. Social Innovation
  13. Workshop Facilitation
  14. Young People
  15. Children
  16. Design
  17. Diversity
  18. Education
  19. Equality and inclusion
  20. Ethics
  21. Social work