mental health

EAP - 0808 196 2016

We all have mental health – sometimes it’s good and sometimes it’s not so good. It’s dynamic and can change over time – minute to minute, day to day, week to week. We can experience feelings of contentment and satisfaction with life; and we all have times when we feel down, stressed, or we can struggle to cope.

Our mental health links to the other aspects of wellbeing as it can be affected by our sense of community, our physical health and our financial situation. Being active, being grateful and taking notice have been shown to have a positive impact on our mood and mental health.

On these pages you will find information, resources and support to help you stay well or get support if you are not.

How do I look after my mental health?

Top 10 tips from Mental Health Foundation:

  1.  Talk about your feelings
  2. Keep active
  3. Eat well
  4. Drink sensibly
  5. Keep in touch
  6. Ask for help
  7. Take a break
  8. Do something your good at
  9. Accept who you are
  10. Care for others

This could be a colleague, a friend or a family member. Sometimes checking in, asking how they are and giving them time to talk about it is enough. This video from our People and Organisational Development team can help you have a conversation about mental health. Insert video 

If you’re a line manager concerned about someone in your team, you can find more information and advice for you and your colleague on our Wellbeing for managers page.

If you are looking for information for how best to support the wellbeing of a student, please visit our Student Wellbeing pages.

eap- Spectrum

Spectrum are here to help! For 24/7 support on emotional, financial or consumer issues. For more information on the range of support Spectrum can provide visit our EAP webpage. 

Contact EAP: 0808 196 2016