Copy content: communities

Page last updated:
19 Oct 2023

You can copy as much of a community's (e.g. course groups) content as you like to another community where you're the Leader.

To begin: You must start in the community you're copying from.

On completion: you will receive an email when the copy is completed, (you will not be able to see imported content immediately). Don't begin the process again - you'll get duplicates of everything!

a. In the Control Panel, click Packages & Utilities.

Packages and Utilities menu item 

b. Click Community Copy.

module menu item 

c. From the Select Copy Type drop-down menu, click Copy Community Materials into an Existing Community.

d. For the Destination Community ID, click Browse... and locate your destination community.

Select Copy Type drop down menu 

e. Select the community you want to copy to and click Submit.

f. Click the check boxes to select the Community Materials you want to copy. You can use the Select All button, but it doesn’t select everything.

g. For Community Files, select the middle option Copy links and copies of the content.

File attachment settings

hDON'T include enrolments. If you're using the community for the entire course, they're already in it, so there's no need! If you're using the level based community, that's specifically for students on that level. MyBeckett is flexible enough to allow you to use both as part of a communication strategy and to encourage students of different levels to learn from each other. If you want more information about how this works, please contact us (details below).

i. Click Submit.

IMPORTANT: You won’t be able to see imported content immediately. You’ll get an email when the import is complete. DON'T begin the process again - you'll get duplicates of everything.