register of interests

In accordance with the Office for Students’ Public Interest Governance Principles and the Nolan Principles of Public Life, colleagues, members of the Board of Governors, and University nominated directors of subsidiary and associated companies are expected to discharge their duties impartially and objectively and to take steps to avoid any conflict of interest through declaration of any matters which might influence, or be seen to influence, their conduct in relation to their role within the University and any material decision making.

Occasionally outside interests and activities, or those of a close personal connection, may give rise to actual or perceived conflicts of interest. The Conflicts of Interest Policy sets out the procedures for the declaration and management of conflicts of interest. 

The University is guided by a simple three-step approach: 

  • Always disclose.
  • Identify if the conflict can be managed and how. 
  • Consider prohibiting the activity when necessary to protect the public interest or the interests of the University.

Should you need assistance, please contact Governance Services.

In the interests of openness, transparency and probity, a register of interests is in place which requires declarations of interests from:

  • Governors;
  • Members of the Senior Management Group;
  • Resource centre managers / SBC managers; and
  • University nominated Directors on our subsidiary and associated companies.

Please note that the most up to date register is open to public inspection.

The register of interests is used to record conflicts of interests and ensures that they are handled appropriately, in line with the Conflict of Interest Policy

Declarations are required on first appointment and thereafter annually in preparation of the University’s Financial Statements. Each relevant person with a conflict is responsible for ensuring that entries in the register relating to them are kept up-to-date.

At meetings, each relevant person with a conflict is expected to declare their interests in a matter under discussion, even if those interests have already been registered. On the advice of the Secretary, the Chair may require a member to withdraw from any discussion, decision, or vote on a matter where a direct or indirect financial interest, or a substantial non-financial interest, exists or has been declared. For further information, please refer to the Conflicts of Interest Policy, standing orders for the Board of Governors or the Academic Board.