top 10 essentials to send them on their way

Graphic of a TV

1) TV License

Some of our halls already have licences for TVs in communal areas, but encourage your child to check first. This licence won’t cover them in their own rooms though and they’ll need one for watching live TV programmes on any device, whether it’s a TV, laptop, mobile, or games consoles.

  1. 2) Bedding

    The last thing you want when your child has arrived at uni is that dreaded phone call saying they forgot something, especially if it’s something that keeps them warm and cosy on a night.

  2. 3) Coat hangers

    They’ll want to keep their clothes looking as neat as possible, so coat hangers are a must – they’ll also reduce the need for more ironing!

Graphic of towels with a rubber duck on

4) Towels

– There’s nothing worse than stepping out of the shower and suddenly realising you’ve not brought your towel into the bathroom, or worse – you haven’t packed one at all.

  1. 5) Electronic communication devices

    Whether it be laptop, tablet or mobile, you need to keep track of them somehow! Be it via phone, email or social media - we're pretty confident your child will have access to at least one of these at all times.

  2. 6) Kitchenware

    Now that they're cooking for themselves, they’ll need cutlery, crockery and some pots and pans.

    Get them to try to coordinate this with their new roommates via halls of residence Facebook pages first, though. Otherwise they’ll end up with enough pots and pans to feed an army!

  3. 7) Recipes

    For many students this is the first time they will have cooked regularly for themselves. Give them a fighting chance - all that studying is hungry work!

Our top student recipes

Take a look at some of our recipes for success
Graphic of a recipe book
  1. 8) Chargers

    You don’t want them to run out of juice and not be able to get in touch at least every now and again.

  2. 9) Food Credit and Rewards

    Here at Leeds Beckett, you have the opportunity to place credit on a digital wallet for your child so they can have a meal on campus if they’re ever running a little short of money. 

    They can also join the Food Court Rewards scheme to earn loyalty points and enjoy exclusive offers.

Graphic of a photo frame

10) Family photos

A little something to keep the homesickness at bay.