Molecular Basis of Disease

Abstract image to represent molecular basis of disease

Our research covers a range of topics including cancer, platelet biology, obesity, diabetes, and neurological disorders.

We aim to understand disease pathophysiology, find new therapeutic targets, and develop treatments. We use a range of approaches including in vitro disease models, patient sample analysis, molecular biology and microscopy.

Research projects

Principal researcher: Dr Jess Haigh

Obesity and type 2 diabetes (T2D) are epidemic diseases that are rising among the world population, and consumption of high-fat diet is associated with the development of insulin resistance (inability to respond to insulin and control blood sugar levels). We develop cell culture models mimicking high-fat diet to investigate the molecules and cell pathways involved in insulin resistance as well as testing potential protective nutrients and agents. We aim to better understand reduction in insulin sensitivity and identify new targets for treatments to reverse and prevent obesity and T2D.

Principal Researcher: Dr Wayne Roberts

The Roberts research group expertise is in examining platelet function in health and disease. Whilst platelets play an important role in haemostasis, if inappropriately activated they initiate thrombosis, and cardiovascular disease can result. We examine how platelet signalling can be targeted to reduce these events as a future therapeutic strategy.

Blood platelets additionally produce and release microparticles, these platelet microparticles (PMPs) are a major source of miRNAs within the circulation play a key role in intercellular signalling in health and disease. We examine how these signals change in diseases, such as cancer and chronic kidney disease, and investigate the impact of these changes on disease progression. This is important for future biomarker development, enabling us to predict those most at risk of poorer outcomes.

Principal researcher: Dr Chinedu Anthony Anene

mRNA transcripts contain several exons, and their usage can be combined, generating functional diversity from a limited genome. This process is regulated physiologically by the actions of cis- and trans-acting factors, including RNA binding proteins (RBPs) that function through sequence-specific interaction with a target pre-mRNA. Their deregulation promotes the development and progression of many human cancers. We are using AI-based approaches to integrate different types of RNA-Sequencing dataset to identify mRNA targets of disease relevant RBPs. We use in-vitro cell lines models to validate the hits.

Principal researcher: Professor Jim Boyne

The tumour microenvironment is comprised of cancer cells but also a multitude of other cell types that collectively drive disease progression, chemoresistance and immunosuppression. Tumour cells communicate with one another via extracellular vesicles (EVs), a group of membranous particles that are released from almost all cell types and found in most biological fluids. These nanoscale particles contain a wide range of biomolecular cargo derived from the parent cell and can travel throughout the body via the bloodstream eventually being internalised by target cells. Once inside target cells EVs release their cargo leading to a change in the target cell function. We study EV cargo derived from melanoma and breast cancer tumours via multi-omics and carry out experiments to determine how these particles impact on tumour growth. We aim to better understand the biology that underpins cancer metastasis and identify new biomarkers that can predict progression of disease.

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