
Raphaele Coulon: European Projects Officer

Alumni Spotlight | Raphaële Coulon, Class of 2021


Management of Public Affairs and Institutions Masters' student 

What course/degree did you do?

BA International Relations with Political Economy.

What are you doing now?

I am currently following an MA in Political Science and Public Affairs. The distinctive feature of this MA is that it’s taught as a sandwich course, part time student, part time employee. Perfect combination of theoretical work and practical professional field experience. 

What organisation are you working for?

I work for an interprofessional union which provides levers to companies of all sizes to promote and sustain their economic development nationally and internationally. 

How did you find this job?

I found my job via a standard recruitment platform, sent my CV and a recommendation letter, quickly after that I was called in for an interview.  

What skills are you using in this job that you got from University?

3 skills come to mind: 

• Critical thinking. Analysing information and being able to form a judgement in an assertive way has helped me academically, professionally, and personally. 

• General knowledge on contemporary cultural, political, and economic issues. 

• Research analysis and production of quantitative and qualitative data. 

What advice would you give young women looking for work in this area?

Take your time to get to know yourself and understand how as human being you function, understand your motivations, what stimulates you and what triggers you. 

Trust the process of asserting yourself, thrive for what you aspire unapologetically and respectfully.

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