Colleague networks

Our network of colleague and student groups helps us to help others get the information and support they need.

These groups provide a safe and supportive environment in which to discuss issues relating to equality and inclusion as well as to provide support and networking and to share best practice.

Our networks aim to:

  • Provide a safe, confidential and supportive community in which to discuss issues relating to protected characteristics, Equality Act 2010
  • Provide support, networking and sharing best practice across all equality strands; to assist in the monitoring and reporting on compliance with equality, diversity and inclusive legislation, and good practice
  • Collaborate with honesty and confidentiality; provide active participation and challenge existing and progressive themes respectfully
  • Contribute to the development of policies directly relating to equality strands, and those which indirectly affect equality and inclusion issues through the equality impact assessment process

Get in touch with the Equality and Inclusion Team