Digitised readings

Page last updated:
15 May 2023

The Digitisation Service is a centralised service providing digitised readings for use in module teaching.

We provide digital copies from published works under the terms of the Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) licence:

  • The University must own the original work
  • The work must not be excluded from the licence
  • The copy allowance is up to one article/chapter or 10% of the total work, whichever is greater
  • All copies must be reported to the CLA

Digitised readings should be requested via your online Reading List or the Digitisation Service in order to be fully licensed.

Add an item to a reading list as a Chapter or Article, or use the ‘Note to Library’ feature to inform the Digitisation Service that the item requires digitisation. 

The Digitisation Service will undertake all the necessary checks, create the digital copy and add it to your module’s online reading list.

Requests for digitisation can also be sent direct to digitisation@leedsbeckett.ac.uk
The item will be added to the module’s online reading list and requested from there.

Using the Library Note to request digitised readings.