Lent starts on Ash Wednesday, the seventh Wednesday before Easter and the day after Shrove Tuesday. In 2018, Lent will begin on Wednesday, February 14 as Easter 2018 starts on April 1.

Lent is the season leading up to Easter. It’s a time of reflection solemnity and fasting where many people abstain from festivities and certain foods such as chocolate and fast food. But why not branch out this year and give something up a little bit different…

Social Media

If you find yourself checking Facebook or Instagram every time you have a spare minute you might be more connected to your social media than you would like to be. You don't have to delete your profile to beat the habit though. Simply uninstall the app on your phone and see how you do without it.


The convenience of Uber has made us all guilty of choosing to get a taxi rather than walk for 20 minutes. Get back into the routine of walking and save some pennies while exercising by ditching the app.

Taking Selfies

Your make-up is on fleek - and you've spent a good hour perfecting your effortless hairdo - so it would be a serious shame not to document how great you look. But if your camera roll is full of cringe-worthy pictures it might be time to put the camera down and give the filters a rest - just for a little while of course.

Buying New Clothes

With spring season fashion trends already starting to appear in the shop windows you may be getting tempted to update your wardrobe. But let’s be honest, you don’t need a new pair of jeans or that new top. Save money and wear the clothes you already have in your wardrobe.

40 Acts of Kindness in 40 Days

From complementing someone to booking someone a trip away, random acts of kindness can make someone else’s day and seeing their happiness will certainly brighten up yours, it’s a win win really!