The Nobel Peace laureates Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandela were instrumental in establishing a concept called Ubuntu. The word originates from the Zulu and Xhosa languages and encapsulated a philosophy which was instrumental in shaping the opposition to the Apartheid regime in South Africa. Ubuntu means “the profound sense that we are human only through the humanity of others; that if we are to accomplish anything in this world, it will in equal measure be due to the work and achievements of others”. (Mandela 2009)
That we are all bound up with one another. That where we see injustice, and the deliberate diminishment of another’s humanity, that it erodes something of each of our humanity. 
That we need to find ways of increasing dialogue and learning from one another to enrich our own humanity. 
It is that idea of Ubuntu that I hope will be the foundation of how the Chaplaincy will operate at Leeds Beckett over the coming years. That the Chaplaincy will be an inclusive, welcoming and supportive space for the whole Leeds Beckett community. But that it will also be a space for sharing and learning from one another. 
It is the role of a good educational institution to help others to recognise our common humanity and our interconnectedness. Small wonder that becoming an educator is such a significant vocation. 
My hope is that in my time with you as your Chaplain, that I will be able to provide support for greater dialogue amongst those of faith and none. That the Chaplaincy will be a safe space for all of the Leeds Beckett community. Where all can feel welcomed and included. 
The Chaplaincy is here for staff and students, and we are here to help you in any way that we can.
I would like to thank the many of you whom I have already met for the warmth of your welcome. I look forward to meeting with and working with you over the coming years. 

Tim Nicholls has a Chaplaincy room on Headingley Campus in the Priestley building PRG13 where you are welcome to come for a chat either as a drop in, if he is free, or by making an appointment.