
Alumni Spotlight: From Benghazi to Leeds Business School

Ahmed is a postgraduate international alumni from Libya who studied an MBA and he talks about why he chose Leeds Beckett, his time studying and advice he would give those who are interested in studying with us at Leeds Beckett.


What were you doing before becoming a postgraduate student?

Working for Brega Petroleum Marketing Company in Libya.

What reasons motivated you to consider studying a postgraduate course?

I wanted to further my career and get promoted by my employer. As I was fully funded student and sponsored by the company I work for I decided that studying a postgraduate course was an opportunity I couldn't miss.

Why did you choose to study your postgraduate degree at Leeds Beckett University?

Leeds Beckett Business School is well know and has a good reputation so that factored into my choice. The city of Leeds is amazing and has a nice atmosphere. I hope that in the future I can be part of Leeds Beckett University again but this time as a research student.

What were the challenges or obstacles you had to overcome to become a postgraduate student?

In the beginning I faced minor issues with the language and interacting with other students from different countries. However, the environment of the university helped me a lot to overcome this issue and interact smoothly with my colleagues and teachers.

How would you describe your experience as a postgraduate student and what was the highlight?

The experience was fantastic I was fascinated by the university and the city. I really liked how the staff was so professional and helpful.

In the beginning I found it very difficult to understand new concepts especially most of it were not part of my background. However, the teaching staff have been very supportive and helpful. For example, Mr Francis Botan from strategic management as well as Dr Anup in financial analysis. In addition to Mr Dave Chasley and Mr Parker, both of them were so interesting and made a great impact on my learning skills.


How would you describe the University's facilities, teaching staff and employability and support services?

Simply amazing and great. It exceeded my expectations and overall it was all a very satisfying experience for me.

What role did your fellow students play in your experience at Leeds Beckett?

To be honest it was a difficult start with some of the students. However, the others were so good and decent despite the culture differences between us which made my experience with them overshadow the time with the students at the start.


Did you receive any support from the university, before, during, or after your course, and how did it help you?

Of course, I have received plenty of help and support. A lot of the teachers were so supportive and helpful. The international administration office which I applied through were so helpful and informative it made me feel so comfortable during the whole application process.

How has postgraduate study benefitted your career? What impact have you experienced after your course?

Now that I'm back to work in my country, Libya, and having completed my MBA I'm now waiting for my promotion which is expected to happen in the beginning of 2024. Which I am looking forward to.

Would you recommend postgraduate study at Leeds Beckett?

Of course, I would recommend Leeds Beckett to anyone who wants to get their Master’s degree in the UK. Leeds Beckett University is a really nice and amazing university. The staff and environment are great and the city is amazing place to live.

How would you describe your postgraduate experience in five words?

Exciting, challenging, life-changing, and worth doing!

What advice would you give to someone considering postgraduate study at Leeds Beckett?

Enjoy every single minute and all the moments at Leeds Beckett. If you need support make sure to ask for it and maximise the facilities that are available for students. Show commitment to the teachers, the university and your work and those are literally the main ingredients for success.

That's what I did and that was the reason behind getting the Dean prize for the most outstanding student on my MBA course!

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