Emmy presented the findings of her PhD project “Relating  to Authenticity, Inauthenticity and Augmented Reality". Part of her study focused on how tourists perceive and tolerate inauthenticity at heritage sites. The findings suggest that tourists use a cautious approach for tolerating inauthenticity, and she would advise the management or policy makers to carefully consider before investing in AR technology or building a physical replica of a heritage site. Many of her interviewees expressed that a large number of visitors in a site affect their learning. Emmy suggests dedicating a ‘quiet hour’ for serious visitors. During the quiet hour, the number of people is limited and the operations provide a more calm and quiet environment, which would be more conducive to good learning and better experience.

Professor Rhodri Thomas

Professor / School Of Events, Tourism And Hospitality Management

Rhodri Thomas is Professor of Tourism Management. He has undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in economics (Leeds) and two PhDs; one in management studies (Exeter) and one on public policy and small firms in tourism (LBU). He holds a PGCE (Leicester), is a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) and Fellow of the Institute of Travel and Tourism (ITT).

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