I have met so many amazing people through my course, accommodation and societies and it has made for an exciting, fulfilling time, despite some of my experience being during Covid-19.

The course

Studying Politics hasn’t been an easy task, but it has been so interesting. It’s also been relevant to our everyday lives and so I have been able to discuss the ever-changing political climate with people with a wide range of views. I have met people who challenge me and my own ideas. Having political debates helps me to develop my beliefs and strengthens the values that I hold closest. The lecturers have been supportive throughout the course, even when teaching online through a pandemic and I have always been able to turn to them for help and guidance when needed.


During my first year at Leeds Beckett, I lived in Carlton Hill, an accommodation five minutes from City Campus. I made some lifelong friends there and I'm even living with some of them this year. We had a lot of fun times having parties in the courtyard in the middle of the accommodation (pre covid), watching Love Island and I’m a Celeb, and ordering terrible takeaways late at night.

When Covid hit, my life went from on campus lectures and nights out on the town, to zoom calls and my Netflix use going into overdrive. As a result of this, friendships took on more importance, especially when we moved in together in second year. Forming a household which is the basis of all your socialising, home life, studying, everything, is a big deal and I have been so lucky to be part of a really happy house. We have cooked for each other, played music, had gaming marathons and supported each other through the highs and lows of the whole Covid, year 2020 experience. I remember one of the first nights in my new house started as a quiet chilled night in and turned into an all-out Nerf gun battle. Not what I was expecting but it was a ridiculous amount of fun. Moving into student accommodation is exactly that, unpredictable and great fun all at the same time.

Societies and charity work

Leeds Beckett has offered me lots of opportunities, especially involving society and charity work. I am the Secretary of the Politics and International Relations Society, and the Sub Aqua (Scuba Diving) Society. Working with these societies has allowed me to learn so many new things and meet many new people from inside and out of the university.

Joining the Scuba Diving Society and learning how to dive has been one of the most thrilling experiences of my life.  I was taught and trained by people who were kind and patient and able to guide a complete novice like myself through the whole experience. We have been on trips to the Lake District to dive in open water, we have been to the pub together and I can’t wait for us to be able to travel again so we can dive in warmer water in sunny climates.

Charity work is a core part of my degree and I have to carry out a specific number of hours volunteering for a cause related to Politics. I am currently working with a group of students from the University of Leeds, Leeds Beckett, volunteers from Leeds Asylum Seekers Support Network (LASSN) and lecturers. We are striving to try and make it easier for asylum seekers and refugees to access the UK’s education system. Through our project, I have learned so much about countless cultures and perspectives of people living in my local community and it has really helped me to feel part of the wonderfully diverse city that is Leeds.

I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Leeds Beckett as a place to study. Whilst my experience this year has been different due to Covid-19, my time has been wonderful thanks to the friends I have made, the lecturers who have taught and supported me and the new and exciting things I have learnt and experienced.



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