Morning Bliss

Confession time – I’m no early bird. If you're envisioning someone who's all chirpy with the dawn chorus, that's definitely not me. But that's the beauty of life, isn’t it? Everyone dances to their own rhythm. My mornings usually start with a playful battle with the snooze button. Once I've negotiated my way out of bed, it’s the power of music that truly kickstarts my day. The right track can instantly set the mood.

My post-alarm adventures lead me to a café near our uni that I've subscribed to. A coffee subscription might raise some eyebrows, but trust me, it’s both a sanctuary for my thoughts and a pocket-friendly way to get my daily caffeine dose. In a nutshell, it’s a calm before the academic storm.

Studious hours and city exploration

Caffeinated and ready, I march straight to the library. Between its walls, I delve into assessments and play catch-up with lectures.

The silver lining in my timetable? A lengthy break between classes. Instead of idling away, I’m on a self-appointed mission to uncover Leeds. The city, with its charming historic undertones juxtaposed with contemporary vibes, is a storyteller. My top picks? The Corn Exchange and Fred Aldous!

The outside of Fred Aldous

Time for my favourite class

Before I know it, it's time for my favourite class – strategic branding. These intensive 3-hour sessions always leave me enthralled. With every lecture, I find myself delving deeper into the complexities of digital strategies and market trends, further intensifying my passion for the subject.

Grocery Time

Class over, and it’s the Merrion Centre calling! Specifically, the Asian grocery store - Sing Kee. Fellow international students will get the sheer joy of discovering homey goodies miles away from home. And today? It’s all about gathering ingredients for my beloved Filipino Adobo - a sumptuous braised pork dish that screams comfort.

Evening downtime

As the comforting aroma of Adobo wafts through my flat, I sink into my favourite chair, ready to unwind. A quick dive into the world of social media, then those precious video calls with family (because nothing beats homesickness quite like mum's voice). And lately, I've been daydreaming about my next big adventure: Oxford. I'm excited to explore more of the UK, and while I'm at it, Leeds has become the perfect home base.

Whew! That's a wrap on a day in my life at Leeds. From hitting the books, wandering around town, cooking up a taste of home, to those golden moments chatting with family – it's all a beautiful whirlwind. Did you enjoy my chronicles of being a “full-time student, part-time tourist”? Haha, hope you did! Here’s to countless more Leeds escapades and beyond

To my fellow international students: remember, everyday here is like a blank page just waiting for you to scribble down your own unique story. Let's make it memorable, shall we?

Cole T

Hiya! I'm Cole and I’m from the Philippines. Since landing in the UK, I've playfully claimed the title of 'part-time student, full-time tourist', all thanks to the allure of Leeds. But jests aside, I study MSc in Marketing and Digital Strategy. As I wander through Leeds and its charming neighbouring cities, I'm constantly captivated by the true England vibes!

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