audit committee

Information about the university's Audit Committee, including terms of reference, membership, meetings and minutes.

The Audit Committee is responsible for reviewing the effectiveness of the university’s system of risk management and internal control. The Audit Committee advises the Board of Governors on the annual financial statements and monitors the performance and effectiveness of the internal and external auditors.

The Committee ensures that arrangements are in place to secure efficiency, transparency, economy, effectiveness and value for money. The Committee agrees and monitors the internal audit plan and reviews internal audit reports and investigations, monitoring the management action plans that respond to such audits. The Committee also considers our university's policies for risk management, the institution's procedures in respect of fraud, irregularity and 'whistleblowing' and monitors our university's research activity to ensure that there is no exposure to undue risk from misconduct.

  • The Chair is Nick Whitaker
  • The Secretary is Eleanor Gallon 

Agendas and non-confidential reports from meetings for the current and previous year are available below.

Reports and minutes

Eleanor Gallon, Risk & Resilience Manager