An Introduction to Anti-Racism for School Governors and Academy Trustees

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Compiled by associates from the Centre for Race, Education & Decoloniality, this handbook contains a comprehensive overview of Anti-Racist definitions and terminology, which will support Governors & Trustees in their role.

Addressing race & racism in schools can be one of the most complex issues a school governor can face, as it can have profound negative impacts on pupil outcomes, staff wellbeing and the local community. Understanding what race, and racism is and the challenges faced in dismantling the structures which can enable institutional racism is central to the work of our Centre for Race, Education & Decoloniality  and this guide has been developed to help Governors & Trustees take on that challenge.

Inside An Introduction to Anti-Racism for School Governors and Academy Trustees, you will learn through both explanation and case studies:

  • Section 1:  What is racism, and where is it present in education?
  • Section 2:  What is anti-racist governance?
  • Section 3:  Further Learning
Front cover of Anti-Racist Governors handbook

The Centre for Race, Education and Decoloniality