Dr Sarita Woolhouse, Senior Lecturer

Dr Sarita Woolhouse

Senior Lecturer

Sarita has practised as a barrister and a solicitor, with experience of resolution of cross-border disputes in diverse areas such as energy (including wind energy), construction, shipping, telecoms, joint ventures, knowhow transfer, and so on.

Sarita's special interest is in cross-border disputes and their resolution in commercial and/or investment treaty arbitration. After years of practical experience, in 2017, she completed her doctorate in seats of corporate governance and international investment laws. Currently a module leader for Competition Law, she also teaches commercial law.

Sarita joins LBU from Anglia Ruskin University where she was a senior lecturer in charge of LPC modules (commercial dispute resolution, property law and practice and practical legal research) and LLM (competition law).

Current Teaching

  • Competition law
  • Commercial law
  • Practical legal research

Research Interests

Sarita is a co-author of books on arbitration and construction law with specific reference to India. Her doctorate focused on tax havens and international investment treaty law. She coined the phrase 'seats of corporate convenience' for tax havens as they are now part of the main stream economy. She continues to research bilateral investment treaty law. These treaties began life as a tool for the promotion and protection of foreign direct investment (FDI) have grown into something that regularly deals with investments that are anything but FDI. This research is not only topical with the media interest in tax havens but extremely relevant to states, especially developing countries who need to understand if they are entering into bilateral treaties in order to provide foreign investors with an additional layer of private dispute resolution or to attract FDI. If the latter is the objective, the treaties are not likely to be an ideal tool.

PhD Supervision

If you are a prospective student who would like to speak to Sarita about PhD supervision, please contact Sarita by email.

Dr Sarita Woolhouse, Senior Lecturer

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