Professor Antony Bryant, Professor

Professor Antony Bryant


Professor Bryant has written extensively on qualitative research methods, being Senior Editor of The SAGE Handbook of Grounded Theory (2007) and The SAGE Handbook of Current Developments in Grounded Theory (2019); both co-edited with Kathy Charmaz. Also Grounded Theory and Grounded Theorizing (Oxford, 2017), The Varieties of Grounded Theory (SAGE, 2019), and ‘Continual Permutations of Misunderstanding: The Curious Incidents of the Grounded Theory Method’, Qualitative Inquiry, May, 2020.

In 2020 he was one of the founding members of The Coalition for Grounded Theory, a small group of grounded theory experts who organized World Grounded Theory Day – 12-MARCH-2021 – an international webinar incorporating presentations covering the key varieties of grounded theory. (Details and access to the presentations can be found here). A conference on 'Grounded Theory Future' is now planned for September 2024. Other recent writings include Digital and Other Virtualities: Renegotiating the Image, co-edited with Griselda Pollock (IB Tauris, 2010); Liquid uncertainty, chaos and complexity: The gig economy and the open source movement, Thesis Eleven, FEB2020; A Conversation between Frank Land and Antony Bryant, Journal of Information Technology, June, 2020 Parts 1 & 2; 'What the Web has Wrought', Informatics 2020, 7(2), 15.

As Editor-in-Chief of Informatics, he is leading a Special Topic concerned with AI chatbots. His editorial can be found here.

Current Teaching

  • Masters level modules
  • Managing Information in the Digital and Global Environment [MIDGE]
  • Critical Perspectives on Information
  • Research Practice
  • Dissertations

Research Interests

Women and STEM - In 2022 he completed a research project on F International, the company founded by Dame Stephanie 'Steve' Shirley.

This has led to further research and collaboration on Women and STEM. Grounded Theory [GTM] - he has published widely on GTM, including the two Sage Handbooks. He gives regular seminars and lectures on the method, work with other GTM researchers, and collaborate with other key GTM figures on conferences and edited volumes.

AI & AI chatbots - assessing the impact and ethical implications of AI.

Professor Antony Bryant, Professor

Ask Me About

  1. Grounded Theory
  2. Informatics
  3. Artificial intelligence
  4. Computing
  5. Creative technologies
  6. Culture
  7. Governance