
"You’ll be supported from day one"

Student spotlight | Sana Khalid


Sana Khalid, an Education Studies student

Sana is a BA (Hons) Education Studies student at Leeds Beckett. Here she shares what what her course is like, why it was the perfect course for her and why she decided to be a student ambassador.

Course: BA (Hons) Education Studies

Introduce yourself – tell us who you are and where you're from.

My name is Sana and I'm from Halifax – a town that's a 35-minute train journey from Leeds.

What course are you studying at Leeds Beckett and what has been your favourite part so far?

I'm studying BA (Hons) Education Studies. My favourite part of the course has been having many discussions and conversations within each module and being able to feel included and contribute. The class sizes are small, and you have seminars in every module which is where you have key discussions which everyone can take part in.

Before I joined the course, I'd been studying a different course at a different university. From there, I knew that I wanted to go into teaching and found Leeds Beckett.

Education Studies is the perfect degree for me. The course asks questions about why the education system is the way that it is and teaches you to interpret and analyse policy. You'll gain a lot of insight into both global and UK education. The course also emphasises the different inequities and factors that can affect a child's education and learning, teaching you how to inclusive and why it's so important.

There's also a module in your second year that prepares you for your dissertation in your final year, so you're not just thrown into it which is very helpful.

Why did you decide to become a Student Ambassador at Leeds Beckett Applicant Days?

I've loved my time at Leeds Beckett, so I wanted to be able to talk to prospective students and give them as much insight as I can about LBU and my course.

I can also relate to the application process and know there are many important choices to be made, so I also want to offer advice and help prospective students through this process.

What would you say to someone who is thinking about studying at Leeds Beckett?

If you have any questions that you are unsure of, just ask. The course staff that work with students are very helpful and supportive. You'll be supported from day one, and there are no problems that you can't reach out about.