For me, coming to university never felt like an option whilst going through school. It was not something I believed I was capable of and there was nobody to push me in that direction at the time, but I knew I could apply through a course with an integrated foundation year. 

At the time of applying it was more or less a last-minute idea to attempt to try to do something positive for myself and to give myself a chance at achieving something great in life. What my experience has taught me, is that if at any point you think you’re not good enough to go to university, think again. If I can do it, then so can you. 

Physical education had always been a passion of mine going through school so I decided to study Physical Education with an Integrated Foundation Year, which gave me an insight into all sport courses integrated into one year.

Arriving at university for the first time felt strange and I felt like at the time I still was not good enough to be in that position. But, as time went on and I began to fully apply myself for the first time academically in quite some time, I finally started to understand that I was capable. 

Initially my plan was to make sure I passed every module so I could keep my place on the course, but I achieved better grades than I anticipated. I completely exceeded my own expectations. This course to me truly has given me a second chance to succeed in something I have been passionate about my whole life.

I am now in my second year and about to move into my final year. The skills, traits and invaluable experiences I have developed so far have already shaped me into a much more accomplished person than I was at the beginning of the foundation year, but without that initial step I could not have made it here. 

Overall, the integrated foundation year course is packed with fun academic and practical modules that allow you to engage in many ways if you’re passionate about any aspect of sport, offering you a pathway into a handful of different sport course routes. I decided to take the Physical Education route in the attempt of becoming a secondary school teacher, but there are many other opportunities and careers that could work for you. This can all happen by applying yourself, working hard and having the desire to achieve targets that you may have never thought you could. Anything is possible with a positive mindset.