24/7 - Spin the clock

One of our most successful stalls has been the 24/7 with its trusty clock/wheel. This has promoted our 24/7 opening hours and anyone who spins and lands on a 24 or a 7 has won one of our ever popular “time beings”.  And in a year when we offered you a whole extra day of 24/7 opening (Leap Year Day 29th February 2016) how could we not revisit it. But this year we’ve given you a chance of an extra prize – just hand in your prize draw ticket into the Library by 3rd October to win an Amazon voucher.

Clock tickets

Fishy Freshers

An adaptation of the fair favourite “Hook a duck” you had to hook a fish to win a fish themed toy. With an additional quiz for the chance to win a DVD player or some fish themed films there was plenty to keep people busy. And why “fishy”? Because staff are Friendly, Informative, Supportive and Helpful!!


Web 2 Books

A card based game with a spiders web theme to promote the physical and online resources provided by the Library. People could win book vouchers, mugs or some of our Skills for Learning “Little books”.



To promote our new Discover search engine we used a lucky dip to encourage students to find out how easy and simple it is to discover more (see what we did there?) using the new search tool.  With a chance to win a wind up space hopper, and with a bright orange space theme this was a great stall and also very easy to spot!

Discover display


2015 saw a new stall promoting our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE): MyBeckett. Another lucky dip style game, with a MyBeckett “bucket” aimed at encouraging our students to learn more about the services provided on the VLE  and to promote the Blackboard Mobile App, with a chance to win an “octopus” USB charging cable!

MyBeckett freebies