Our dual accredited BSc (Hons) Biomedical Sciences course provides students with an in-depth knowledge of how the human body works in health and disease, along with the opportunity to work in our laboratories to diagnose and treat diseases. For some, this can provide the ideal gateway into a career in either medicine or dentistry. The broad understanding of clinical subjects as well as access to specialist facilities in which to master practical skills has inspired some of our students to pursue a medical route on graduation.

Students can apply to complete a medical degree at their selected institution upon graduating and while it is a highly competitive area, we have several Leeds Beckett Alumni who have successfully chosen this career route.

Wayne Roberts, Course Director for BSc Biomedical Sciences says:

'Every year several our students use their Leeds Beckett Biomedical Sciences degree to apply for further study on physicians associate or graduate entry medicine courses. Whilst these are competitive routes, we help support our students with these career aspirations. Typically, we hold CV clinics, support applications for work experience and provide Multiple Mini Interview practice sessions in addition to hosting our graduates who have been successful in applying to medicine courses so that you can learn from their experiences. If you would like to know more, please get in touch.'

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