The event will be co-hosted by the British Academy, who are also funding the project. The event will look at how international tastes have influenced the food we eat today. The food historians will discuss 250 years of British cuisine and uncover our changing tastes at this online event. From the occasional peacocks that graced the dining tables at the court of King George III to the chicken tikka masala we know and love today. Discover how Georgian royal tastes tweaked classic Italian and German dishes, find out about the global origins of 19th and 20th century recipes like Mrs Beeton’s mango chutney, and test your own foodie knowledge in pop-quizzes.

You also have a chance to say what you think and how this reflects different British tastes today. Share your favourite recipes which will be gathered into the ‘New British Cookbook’ collection – a guide to the flavour of Britain today.

You can send in your recipe contributions, either by email ( or by Twitter (@historybeagle).

To see more on the event on how to book (free) tickets for your online place, see the Being Human Festival website:


Dr Rachel Rich

Reader / School Of Humanities And Social Sciences

Rachel Rich researches the history of food in modern Europe. Her current focus is the history of royal dining in Georgian England. She is the Co-Editor of Food and History, and the Course Director for BA (Hons) History and MA Social History.