Beckett by bus

If you want to know where the buses travel around Leeds this route map can help.

If you are travelling between campuses the  1B bus service  Beeston – Headingley – Headingley Campus is operated by First Bus and runs right onto campus to the Carnegie School of Sport. You can get on it at both the train station (City Square, Stand E) and opposite Broadcasting Place on Woodhouse lane. This service operates every 30 minutes Mon-Friday daytime during university term time. Students can buy a FirstSingleUniversity for £1.20 (via the First app) and Staff can get a Single (for any First journey) for £2 and the easiest place to do this is via the FirstApp 

If you are making regular bus journeys in Leeds the First Bus App often offers you the cheapest tickets as well as offering, daily (£4.50), weekly, monthly annual and group tickets. There are also a number of other services between the City Centre and Headingley running along the A660 including routes 1, 6, 8, 27,28,29. which are branded as Leeds City Bus

Regular bus journeys from further afield or journeys that combine bus and train can be cheaper by using an MCard see the final section of this post.

Beckett by Train

The Train station is a 15 minute walk from city campus, a few minutes by bike or you can get the 1B bus to Broadcasting Place. Travelling by train is the most sustainable form of public transport.

Getting the cheapest fair for a single train journey can be a challenge. If you travel only some days every week, advance tickets which can be purchased up to 15 minutes before departure via the Northern App can offer the best value but you have to travel on a specific service, the further ahead you buy, the better the prices. If you travel from further away the trainpal website and app often has the best prices.

If you are unsure which train you will be travelling on, standard return tickets offer flexibility but come at increased cost.

If you travel four or more days a week, weekly, monthly and annual season tickets which can be bought though train companies apps, offer some discounts and these can be greater than buying advance tickets and have no limitations on which service you use.

If you are lucky enough to be able to get a 16-25 railcard. The discounts these offer are usually on top of any discounts you get over a regular standard fare and can make journeys even more affordable.

Real time trains has the best information about what trains are running whether they are on time and when they will be arriving. I use it a lot.

Discount Travel Cards

M Card is an app based travel card in the West Yorkshire region on both buses, and buses and train combined. Depending on how often you travel and your route these can be the most cost effective method of travel by public transport.

If you are aged 19-25 or a full time student you can get a 19-25 or Student MCard which offer further discounts and if you travel on buses and Trains within West Yorkshire, this is usually the most cost effective solution for regular travel by public transport.

For £30 pounds you can get a 16-25 RailCard, and this get you a third off all rail tickets. If you are a mature student you don't have to be 16-25 but you need to fill this form in.

Leeds Beckett Staff can get a range of discounted season tickets for both bus and rail travel and details are here

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