The book considers the geographies in Perec’s work and the work he’s inspired.  At the launch Oliver read excerpts from George Perec’s seminal observational work An Attempt at Exhausting a Place in Paris (1974).

Confernece, Oliver Bray sat

Dr Oliver Bray (seated facing the audiennce) at the book launch

Oliver’s chapter in the book explores the generative possibilities of constraint within Perecquian performance through his Oulipian theatrical work, The Elision of Scaff’. He describes the translation – inherent in theatre work – from differently constrained spaces: from the two-dimensional, words-on-a-page flatness to the three-dimensional space of live performance. The latter, he finds, is a messy landscape, occupied by a most ineffable and unruly inhabitant, the live performer.

Some pages from the book

Georges Perec’s Geographies, published by UCL Press, can be purchased or downloaded free of charge here:

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