
I've loved my time as a PE student at Leeds Beckett

Student Spotlight - Jade Cartlidge



Tell us a bit about yourself and what drew you to your course?

I am very enthusiastic about sports and enjoy teaching and guiding others and sharing my passion for sports and physical activity. I am a member of the Leeds Beckett swimming team and have been competitively swimming for over 12 years. I have also been a course representative for 3 years during my time at university.  

I became drawn to BA (Hons) Physical Education because of the teaching and various placement opportunities at Leeds Beckett. I also liked how enthusiastic the lecturers are and they teach you how to deliver engaging lessons and different teaching methods for us to use in future employment. 

What made you choose Leeds Beckett?

I chose to study my course, BA (Hons) Physical Education at Leeds Beckett because the course itself was appealing and it was perfect for my career goal at the time, a PE teacher. The sport facilities are also very impressive and there's a great sense of community in the School of Sport, it is a nice and inviting place to sit and do university work as well as meet with friends in between lectures.

Headingly campus where the sport facilities are, is also an amazing campus and it gives you everything you could need whilst at university, such as the swimming pool, library, food options and study spaces are all available in one place  - it was a great bonus to be based there. 

Which modules have you gained the most from on your course so far and why?

My favourite module was the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) module. I gained the most from this module because it taught me so much and opened my eyes to inclusivity. My placement opportunity were invaluable and it was an opportunity that I would not get chance to participate in usually. Getting to know the SEN children and learn how they navigate through life and seeing just how amazing the attitudes of the children were despite the daily challenges they undergo I found to be an eye-opening experience.

How will what you learnt in this module benefit your career?

If my career goes down the teaching route, I now have valuable experience with SEND children and I feel that I have gained the knowledge and some extra understanding on how to better help and assist these children in their learning to help them reach their full potential. I have also gained a lot more confidence to interact and engage with students in different ways that I otherwise would not have understood how to support them before this placement.

What support have you been given for life after university?

The support for life after university is great, we are advised how the modules can assist us in the future and are often told how we can apply a skill or experience into our future working careers.

Is there a piece of work or project you have worked on that you are particularly proud of, and why?

In my second year of university, we produced a project proposal to explore an idea for our dissertations in year 3. I am particularly proud of this as it developed the foundations of the dissertation I am currently working on, and I was pleased with the work I produced and the overall outcome.  

What has been your favourite thing about your time studying at Leeds Beckett?

One of my favourite things I have experienced whilst studying at university was definitely joining a university sports team, I am part of Leeds Beckett's swim team. This experience has been amazing because I've had so made so many extra friends for life, compete in a sport I have always loved and enjoyed and swimming for me is one of the ways I can socialize and destress after a long day at uni.  

What advice would you give someone thinking about studying this course?

I would tell them to get involved with university life in every way possible. Think carefully about your prospects and choose modules that will help your confidence and that you enjoy. Look into modules that will be useful for your future employment skills and experience as much placement or employability enhancement as you can. Finally, just enjoy your time here, make friends and socialize, don’t be afraid to get involved. And don’t take your time in university for granted. 

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