
Working with teams that are empowering people to improve their quality of life

Alumni spotlight | Matthew Cooper, BA (Hons) International Relations and Peace Studies, Class of 2018


Headshot of Matthew Cooper

Matthew Cooper, Administrator at Touchstone

Tell us about your current role and what it involves

I’m an administrator for Touchstone. I started as the admin for Touchstone Loves Food, a Covid response unit providing food parcels and mental health support for clinically extremely vulnerable people and anyone isolating. I’m currently working on the Burmantofts and Richmond Hill Community Hub, Chapeltown Community Hub, and Mentally Healthy Leeds.

How did you find this job?

I found this job online, advertised through

What do you enjoy most about your job?

The fact that our services have made real positive impacts on people’s lives, and that I’ve gained a much better understanding of specific community needs across Leeds. I work with brilliant teams that are committed to empowering people to transform their situations and improve their quality of life.

What skills that you learnt at university have you been able to apply in your role? 

My ability to handle multiple, high priority tasks and complete them to a high standard. My academic knowledge has been useful too as it has allowed me to give insight and analysis of specific situations we have faced from a socio-political perspective. My ability to communicate with colleagues, managers, volunteers, service users and external services has stemmed from my time at university.

What will your story be?

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