
Evelyn Hornyak: Policy Advisor

Alumni spotlight | Evelyn Hornyak


Finding Fulfilment in The Ever-changing World of Hungarian Politics.

What course/degree did you do?

BA International Relations and Global Development

What is your current role?

Policy Advisor and Assistant.

What organisation are you working for?

European Parliament.

How did you find this job?

In 2018, I became involved in Hungarian politics, and during the 2019 European Parliamentary elections, two of our candidates earned seats in the Parliament. I was inspired by this positive change and decided to apply to become a part of the team, first as trainee and then I was offered a permanent position as an advisor.

What do you enjoy about this job?

What I love about my job is that it's always different! Every year, season, and even day brings a new topic to tackle, which keeps me engaged and interested. During election periods, the work becomes more focused on our home countries, which gives us an opportunity to learn more about our citizens' needs and life stories. This knowledge can then be used when we are making policy decisions. It's incredibly fulfilling to know that I am making a positive change for Hungarian and European citizens alike.

What skills are you using in this job that you got from Uni?

I use the diverse academic knowledge that I gained from university on a daily basis, as well as the critical thinking skills that were honed during my time there. Additionally, the time I spent volunteering and leading student societies gave me the skills to build communities, organize events, and appreciate the importance of engaging and learning from others and avoiding individualism.

What advice would you give young women looking for work in this area?

My advice to young women would be to stay persistent and keep their heads held high. There will be obstacles that make them want to give up, and there will be naysayers who try to belittle them simply because they are women. They may even be told that they are too sensitive to deal with political matters. However, it's important to remember that we are agents for change, and we must represent that change. So, don't be afraid to ask for support and lean on your community. Reach out to those who are already doing the job you would love to do. Most importantly, keep fighting, and let your achievements inspire others.

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