
University taught me the skills and expertise to develop my community

Alumni spotlight | Tania Aghanian, Class of 2019


Tania Aghanian

Winner Dean's Prize for Excellence in Politics & International Relations

What course/degree did you do?

International relations and Peace Studies.

What is your current role?

I currently have two! At the same organisation - Generalist adviser and Community Engagement Project Worker.

What organisation are you working for?

Better Leeds Communities.

How did you find this job?

On Doing Good Leeds.

What do you enjoy about this job?

I really enjoy the variety of challenges I'm exposed to working across two roles. I am able to transfer my skills and knowledge from advice work to the participants who take part in our community project. I'm part of a small team, but we all work really well together and each bring something different to the table. I also feel really supported and encouraged by my line manager.

What skills are you using in this job that you got from Uni?

The peace modules taught me a lot about conflict resolution and mediation which has proven extremely useful working in Community development. Working in an area with a wide range of diversity, I often come across opposing views or clashing personalities and the skills and theories I learnt in my peace building modules allow me to manage conflict situations in the workplace.

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