Accessibility | Operable

Accessibility guidelines in action

This section of our accessibility guide will focus on how to make our content operable. This will ensure our users can find, navigate and use our content, regardless of how they choose to access it.

Navigation and page structure

We should always provide ways for our users to navigate our content with ease. For some users, page navigation is done through the use of a keyboard or assistive technologies. Thinking about page structure and using the appropriate headers can help our users jump from one section to another.

See ‘Titles, headers and page structure’ under ‘Perceivable’ for more information about structuring your content effectively.

Using page anchor navigation

Structuring our content using headered sections will also allow us to add anchor navigations or ‘jump to’ links to our pages, helping our users to easily and quickly find the information they are looking for. This is particularly helpful on pages with lots of information to convey, which can be overwhelming for some people.

Calls to action - Links and buttons

Link text should be unique within a page, concise, should be meaningful when read out of context, and should help users to know something about their destination if they click on it.

Link text such as 'Click here' and 'Read more' fail to meet accessibility criteria.

This is particularly important to those using assistive technologies:

  • Screen reader users can generate a list of links and navigate them alphabetically - ambiguous link text such as 'More' is not helpful in this context
  • Users of speech recognition technology can select a link with a voice command like 'click' followed by the link text. So it is also helpful to use unique link text that is short and easy to say

For example:

  • For more information on using meaningful link text click here - Is not correct
  • For more information on using meaningful link text visit our anchor text guide - Is correct

Digital team

Get in touch if you are a digital content creator and need some additional support with writing for the web or publishing content to our content management system, Sitecore.