Absence reporting

Attendance at your placement is a professional requirement and a minimum of sessions must be achieved along with a record of attendance as detailed in your practice learning handbook.

Please note that if your course carries professional accreditation or recognition, there may be additional course-specific attendance requirements detailed elsewhere in your practice learning handbook.

The reporting and logging of attendance and absence hours on practice placement is a student responsibility.

All sickness, compassionate leave and absences must be recorded on the student's attendance record in their practice assessment document and signed off by the person responsible for supervising or assessing you in the placement area i.e. supervisor/educator/assessor.

Students must follow the process below for reporting to the university any absence on placement or practice learning.

If a student fails to comply with absence reporting procedures this will be managed through application of the universities policy, regulations and procedures relating to professional suitability and professional misconduct.

Student identifies they will late or absence from clinical placement

Students are to contact the placement area via telephone before 8:00 am or as early as possible before the agreed start time and indicate when they are likely to resume attendance at placement

Note: phone your educator, and do not email or text on the day, as an email may not be received and a text is insufficient. You must speak to your educator/supervisor. If they do not pick up the phone leave a voicemail and ring back until you get to speak to your educator. This is the expectation for a practicing professional so you need to adhere to this system too. A text is insufficient and unprofessional.

Unauthorised or unplanned absence on day of placement

Students are to contact the placement area via telephone before 8:00 am or as early as possible before the agreed start time and indicate when they are likely to resume attendance at placement

Note: phone your educator, and do not email or text on the day, as an email may not be received and a text is insufficient. You must speak to your educator/supervisor. If they do not pick up the phone leave a voicemail and ring back until you get to speak to your educator. This is the expectation for a practicing professional so you need to adhere to this system too. A text is insufficient and unprofessional.

Planned or authorised placement absence

Students are to email the placement coordinator or academic lead to make a formal request and gain approval before discussing it with their placement educator or supervisor.

In all scenarios, complete the practice learning absence form

Please complete the practice learning absence form before 8:00 am or as early as possible before the agreed start time and click send form. This will generate an email to the School of health practice learning team. 

Inform the placement coordinator and your academic advisor of any placement sessions missed. Missed sessions need to be made up, where possible. On return to your placement, discuss with the practice educator if it is possible to undertake further sessions to make up the time lost. If the practice educator cancels any sessions, you should follow the same procedure to re-arrange the missed session.

If you are self-certifying your absence, please complete the form for every day of absence. If your absence is certified, I.E. By a doctor, please complete the form using the details of the fit note and send a copy to your course administrator email address.

The placement absence form is for School of Health and speech and language therapy students to report an absence from placement.

Please complete the form and click send form. This will generate an email to the School of Health practice learning team.

You must notify your course administrator team of any absence. If you are going to apply for mitigation you will need to provide written evidence of the reason for your absence.

For more information on 'fit to sit' and mitigation please visit our mitigation web page.