Prevent Duty and Safeguarding

Our university considers safety and wellbeing to be paramount and we are committed to providing a safe environment for everyone who engages in university activities.

For any queries regarding the application of the following policies or related processes, please contact the Governance Services team.

Prevent Duty

The Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015 came into force for universities in 2015, and supported by guidance (2023 and 2024), placing a legal obligation on universities to have due regard to 'the need to prevent people from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism' (known as the 'Prevent Duty'). It forms one of four strands of the Government’s counter-terrorism strategy (CONTEST) and aims to stop people from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism.

The Office for Students (OfS) is responsible for monitoring the higher education sector's implementation of the Prevent Duty in England.

You can read the university's approach to the Prevent Duty. The Safeguarding Policy also assists the university to meet its obligations under the Prevent Duty.

Please refer queries to the Institutional Prevent Lead.


Despite being primarily concerned with the delivery of higher education to adults, our university does on occasion engage with children (anyone under 18 years old) and Adults at Risk. Everyone who comes into contact with children or Adults at Risk has a role to play in protecting them from harm. We have systems in place to support, listen, and act on any safeguarding concerns.

We have in place a Safeguarding Policy and supporting guidance that sets out definitions and our approach to safeguarding. Please also see our Safeguarding One-Minute Guide. The majority of concerns regarding the safety, welfare and wellbeing of adults will not meet to the 'Adults at Risk' definition (identified by a local authority, usually adult social care team - please refer to our Safeguarding Policy for full definitions).

The Student Wellbeing team are the first point of contact for all student-related concerns which can be reported using the online reporting form, or immediate concerns can be raised on 0113 812 8507. Outside hours concerns should be directed to Security (available 24/7 on 0113 812 3165). In a situation where there is an immediate threat to life, do not delay contacting the emergency services by calling 999.

Freedom of Speech and Expression and the procedure for the Approval and Management of Meetings and Events with External Speakers

Freedom of speech is a fundamental right and is protected under the Human Rights Act 1998. The university understands and upholds the principle of freedom of speech and expression as established in English Law as one of the fundamental precepts on which all institutions of learning should be founded.

The Code of Practice on Freedom of Speech and Expression sets out the university's approach to ensure, protect and promote freedom of speech; alongside the procedures to be followed by staff, students, and Leeds Beckett Students’ Union in connection with the organisation of meetings and activities as well as the conduct required of staff, students, the Students’ Union and visitors in connection with such meetings and activities.

The Approval and Management of External Speakers Events procedure (part B of the Code) sets out the review process (flowchart) and checklist to be completed in advance for all external speaker events. All events should also be logged on the Events Log. Where an event is approved, the External Speakers Code of Conduct should then be provided to External Speakers in advance of an event. For further advice, or where external speakers are not approved, please contact the Registrar and Secretary's Office.

Protocols for release of Personal Information Requests

The One-Minute Guide - How to manage requests for personal information under Schedule 2, Part 1 of the Data Protection Act 2018 sets out the university's protocol for requests for personal information. All requests should be emailed to the Information Governance Team.

Any requests for information regarding a deceased student from an external agency should be channelled through to the university's Safeguarding Lead.